Telescope note [‘Feb 22/2021’]

Pedro Fonseca
2 min readFeb 22, 2021

The Telescope team has been working mainly on three points:

  • Microservices.
  • Integration and Automation.
  • User Interface.

Telescope is going to be a totally new Telescope in the 2.0 release.

One of the features that I’ve been working on is the new design, which means that I send the drafts, and then listen to the feedback. The hardest part is when the feedback is a good one. Because knowing the project front-end code and what we would have to change in it and then looking at our schedule, sometimes it’s impossible to implement all of my colleagues' feedback.

At this point, I think we all know what is our “speed” when it comes to writing code and delivering it as a team. I’m trying to design the new UI based on our delivery code's capacity and schedule. Trying to keep our TSXs structure almost the same — sometimes it’s not possible.

While the design process happens, I follow what is happening in our front-end. When I notice that we are facing some chance of not delivering what is required to the current release, I fire fixes or temporary fixes to meet the release's best possible result.

So I’ve been designing, watching, following and coding(sometimes the new UI and sometimes what the project needs to be coded.) and with my eyes always looking to our schedule. The following weeks are going to require a different approach. It’s time to start coding and delivering the new UI. So I expected to be more focused on coding and delivering the new UI.

When it came to the design, the hardest part is not knowing that the design is not perfect — the design works and fits in our schedule; which is better than a perfect design that doesn’t fit in our schedule. The hardest part is to make people aware of this. Sometimes I receive excellent feedback with good ideas, but unfortunately, we don’t have time to do it right now; but it’s totally possible to add/change the design in the future.

So working on Telescope has been a dynamic task; sometimes, you need to play in one position, next time in another one. And I like this dynamic.

I want to thank Yuan-Hsi Lee, Anton Biriukov, Chris Pinkney, Josue Quilon, and David Humphrey for all the effort you all put into this project.

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